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Transfer of Possession

Important information about transferring your apartment​

  • Current leaseholder must be in good standings and not under Notice or Eviction

  • Future leaseholder must meet credit and income requirements for applicant approval

  • Current leaseholder must agree to transfer security deposit and refurbishing fee to perspective leaseholder.

  • Future leaseholder is responsible for any current or existing balance.

  • Current leaseholder must sign notice of move out for date of approved transfer.

  • Prior to the Future tenant signing new lease, a property Manager must walk thru apartment with current and future leaseholder to note current condition of apartment. 

  • Future leaseholder must agree to accept apartment in current condition and will be responsible for any damages above normal wear and tear at move out.

  • Future leaseholder's rent starts on first of month following approved transfer. 

Transferring your apartment to someone else is a two step process. 

  1. The first step is for the current lease holder to submit a Request for Transfer of Possession. (Below)  

  2. The Second step is the future tenant must submit an application 

Powers Properties is an equal housing opportunity provider committed to fostering inclusive communities. We uphold the principles of the Federal Fair Housing Act and do not discriminate based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, or familial status. Powers Properties fully supports and complies with the Federal Fair Housing Act, as well as all applicable state and local fair housing laws.

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